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Ari Meisel
Author & Founder of Less Doing

"He understands productivity and entrepreneurship and what it takes to have the mindset you need to grow a business."

Mike Michalowicz

Author, Entrepreneur, and Lecturer

"Kayvon has the tool and strategies to find the exact fix your business needs."

Joanna C Strange

Certified Productivity Coach

"Kayvon teaches me how to be productive. He helps to bring everything that is in the air, bring it down & focus it laser-like on 1 thing."

Earl Flormata

Evil Marketing Genius

"He has such a powerful message. Five stars & two thumbs up all the way. Our accountability calls have been fantastic!"

Dave Will

Co-Founder and CEO at PropFuel

"Kayvon can have an awesome effect on you personally and in your business whether you are part of a bigger machine or an entrepreneur."

Bibigul Amirova

Teacher, Yogi, Entrepreneur

"Kayvon gives me the right piece of advice at the right time which helps me feel inspired. And he makes me believe that I can do it."

Kevin Koym

Founder & CEO Tech Ranch

"Kayvon helped me become more effective when I was blocking my business’ growth. He has a lot of insight and also a very patient style."

Rosa Chen

Founder & CEO, AI Light Up

"Kayvon helped to become clear as a CEO."

Peter Mohr

Founder of Entrepreneurial Counsel

"He an outside the box thinker. He is going to help you to push through those procrastinations."

Malte Holm


"He asked the difficult questions that are on the way to growth, when you need to hear them."

Paul Higgins

High-performance Mentor, Entrepreneur

"I was taken away by the level of details he goes into and the results he wants you to get."

Roger Nairn

Founder & CEO of JAR Audio

"I always walk away from our conversations with nuggets of wisdom and value."

Fred Cercena

Founder & CEO of Getaway Vacations

"I always walk away from our conversations with nuggets of wisdom and value."

Muhammad Dewj


"I cannot say enough good things about working with Kayvon. Within 3 months of working with him, my life has been transformed. I am accomplishing far more on a daily basis and despite this, feel little overwhelmed or stress.Kayvon combined practical techniques while working on improving my inner game. He provided me with practical approaches to outsourcing problems, managing my time and exploring various services, products, and materials that have made my life so much easier.My inner game has improved tremendously as well. With Kayvon’s help, I was able to uncover and overcome many invisible scripts and doubts. I am able to reframe problems positively and take advantage of those situations. He has shown me how to work towards my strengths and embrace and eliminate my weaknesses.With his help I am closer to launching a new startup than I have been in years, have more free time to spend with family and friends and most of all, I have the time and energy for myself."

Helaine Treitman

Dancer, Entrepreneur

"I had run into a stuck-point in my business and booked a call with Kayvon, since I’d been part of a very helpful productivity group he ran a few years ago. On this call, I expected him to address ONE of the three issues holding me back. Not only did Kayvon give me much more time than promised, but he addressed all three issues and went deeper on each one than I had hoped for. I came away with simple, practical actions and habits I could implement right away. I felt immediately liberated, with a clear direction on each of my 3 issues. Things began to flow in my business and I developed bulletproof productivity habits I still rely on months later."

Constantine Antoniou

Entrepreneur and Author

"I can wholeheartedly recommend working with my friend and colleague Dr. Kayvon K. We have long been connected through our entrepreneurial circles and we have inspired each other with our ideas over the years. Right at the beginning of the Covid lockdown, Dr. K invited me to join one of his Zoom accountability groups and I immediately jumped at the opportunity! For the following 8 months his meetings and the people he brought into the group became a key part of my morning work routine. They really helped me not only stay on track and motivated during a very trying year but they also helped me get on a more structured work schedule which we all know can be very hard for entrepreneurs and creative types. Dr. K’s approach also brought a lot of warmth and humor to the meetings which was a great way to start the day feeling good and ready to work!"

Deidre Sirianni

Entrepreneur, Radically Aligned

"I hired Kayvon as a productivity coach to help me simplify and streamline my business. Before working with him, I was working 7 days a week, undervaluing my work, exhausted, and at a point of wanting to quit my business. As a result of working with Kayvon I was able to streamline the business I was in, up to my rates, and see the bigger picture of what I was creating. As a result of the work we did together I got a clear vision of what I really wanted to do and ended up a couple of years later starting a more aligned business. If you're overwhelmed in your business, overworking and undervaluing your work, and need a professional to support you I highly recommend working with Kayvon!"

Kris M.

Copywriter, Marketer

"I met Kayvon several years ago in a business mastermind group in south Florida. Since then, he has always been willing to share tried and proven strategies to help entrepreneurs, business owners, and self-employed professionals increase their productivity by simplifying not only the systems and processes in their professional lives… but in their personal lives as well. If your business or organization has grown to a point where it’s no longer easily managed, or if your work life has spilled over into your personal life – leaving you feeling overworked and overwhelmed… then I recommend you schedule a consultation call with Kayvon to see if it makes good sense to work with him. It could be an investment that pays off immediately… and for many years to come."

Christie Kennedy

Entrepreneur, Lifestyle Coach

"I have had the pure pleasure of knowing Kayvon for close to a decade, and whether his goal is physical, mental, business or relationship based, he has this incredible way of breaking down the process to be effective and simple. Kayvon listens to your needs, processes it, analyzes the desired outcome and delivers a game plan to help his clients be successful. I appreciate his continued commitment to learning as well as his assertive, wants you to win approach. Kayvon truly helps your execute and achieve your goal, thanks for being a leader in the space of productivity and keeping it simple K!!"

Wendy Horng Brawe


“Kayvon is a generous leader and coach and he has so much to offer. The Thrive program gave me concrete new habits and ways of changing mindsets that were holding me back. This fall, I specifically worked on getting “unstuck” and Kayvon’s steady, supportive, constructive voice was in my head by the end of the program. Kayvon, thank you!”

Dr. Mark Godley, M.D.

CEO of Livecare

"I hit a ceiling professionally and was looking to breakthrough. Kayvon has been absolutely instrumental in helping me grow personally and professionally and finding a clear vision of what will it take to be content and happy."

Teresa Percefull

Marketing Director

"Kayvon's Productivity course was amazing! Each session helped me think more clearly about my personal and professional goals. He made himself personally available to each student and following each learning module, Kayvon would hold Q&A sessions so we could discuss as a community how to move forward. Since the course ended, the way I approach my day, and my work are dramatically different. I'm able to problem solve more quickly based on the tools and practices I learned in the class. I would highly recommend his course!"

Tom Beal

Chief Inspiration Officer

"After meeting and working with most all of the living legends of marketing and personal & business development over the past ten years, and some who are no longer with us (Zig & Jim Rohn specifically), it is rare that I meet someone who is able to contribute value at the level my friend Kayvon does. His vast expertise, commitment to excellence, ability to simplify the complex, guidance and wisdom is unparalleled. Very few could walk in his shoes as it takes a level of commitment most are not willing to give. That same commitment is brought to Kayvon’s clients. He can and does assist them in getting the clarity and focus necessary to transform their trajectories, results, and lives. If you get a chance to chat or work with Kayvon, take advantage of it. Opportunities like this are meant to be seized. He is currently a gem that the people in the know are grateful for, and I predict he will be well known in a short amount of time. Reach out to him, while you can. You can thank me later. Make Today Great! P.S. – The title below was given to me by Kayvon."

Tyler Lowe


"As a small business owner, I came into this course wanting to figure out how to do more (in a day, week, year, etc). My assumption was that I just needed to figure out how to motivate myself to put in (even more) hours per day to be more productive - an assumption that got taken down in the first week. Far better to have a method for focusing, prioritizing, delegating, etc. - all very common sense I now realize! In fact, many of the principles in the course (and of effective work) are simply common sense, and it's amazing how bad habits and lack of self-awareness can prevent you from acting in accord with common sense. What Kayvon does in this course is a system for re-orienting how you work, with an emphasis on habit formation and lots of feedback along the way to help you overcome blind spots. After going through the course, I'm more realistic about what I can accomplish, and am much happier with what I've achieved in a day. To anyone else thinking about enrolling: I'd challenge you: what is the opportunity cost of not optimizing how you work? Of not investing in your future? You are your own best asset - and how you optimize productive work is critical to becoming your best working self. This course gives you a unique way to invest in yourself to help get you there."

Steven Green

Deal Maker

"Imagine: You’re at a gourmet restaurant… Important occasion…You are the host. You have to pick the wines. You have to impress. It’s a huge list. So many choices… And how do each one pair with what you are eating and the culinary tastes of your guests. Can you imagine if you had a wine expert who had tasted all the wines – new the proper food pairings and could take your guests and price points into consideration… then used his vast experience and knowledge to give you the best choices for the particular occasion you are enjoying? What a savings – of time, money, and emotions. And how about all the anxiety over wondering if you made a good decision! The most important issue would be the result –the perfect choice for your situation. Well, I found an expert – a master of all the types of courses that we are tempted to take. Kayvon has taken just about everyone that is out there. The best part is he knows how to analyze what is effective within the materials for you where you are at, today. No use studying things that are too advanced or… not stimulating enough. The best part is his advice didn’t cost me a penny and saved me thousands of dollars and most importantly hundreds of hours of time. Don’t take a course without consulting Kayvon."

Romi Gill

Entrepreneur, Fitness Coach

"Kayvon has a way to teach you more in less time and he taught me how to get things done faster."

Dai Manuel

Entrepreneur, Health Junky

"Sometimes it just takes the right mentor to ask the right questions, push the tough and uncomfortable buttons, and call us out on the “noise factor” of our lives, to make everything seem clearer."

Steve Martin

CFP, RLP, Financial Planner

"As an entrepreneur, Kayvon's insights into the real problems I am facing, his knowledge of excellent solutions, and his positive coaching style have made my life simpler and my use of time immensely more effective."

Ahmad Kiarostami


"Kayvon is great at simplifying things by cutting through the noise and identifying the main challenge, and then finding an elegant solution for it."

Adam Popper

Westbroom Partners

(In a conversation with Kayvon) “For the time I know you, there is a certain special spirit that you emote. Your message is a unique message. Your approach, your soulfulness, your sensitivity, and your calm demeanor is what your message is. How you want to coach someone and your perspective. When I speak to you, you are very calm, very relaxed, you give good insight, you get to the heart of the matter, your push away the bullshit, yet you are not confrontational. You are very very validating, soothing, and relaxing.”

Bernie Glemas


"I’ve known Kayvon for almost a decade and I have enrolled in, and been involved in, at least two of his programs. We also engage in coffee brainstorming sessions from time-to-time. His accountability call service was very effective in helping me take control of and greatly improve my productivity levels. Kayvon’s background marries his medical and entrepreneurial experience coupled with his insights from being directly connected to some of today’s influential thought leaders affords him unique insights. I find he’s always engaging and generous with his time, ideas and attention. He uses his great storytelling skills to cut through complex matters and simplify them for easy digestion and retention. Several times, I have run into situations that take me back to one of his stories that guide me to the right answer. Currently I take part in his productivity program which has been of great benefit in helping keep me on track and focused on my priorities on a day-to-day basis. Kayvon is a class act. I have no hesitation in recommending to fellow entrepreneurs and other contacts who wish to simplify and become more productive or are looking for guidance with their marketing and business in general."

Ken Leonard

Marketing Strategist

"Kayvon is a passionate business coach who brings tightly focused clarity to any business owner who has moved from start-up to growth phase. Don’t know which books to read, or more importantly, which books not to read? Don’t know which courses you should take, and which ones will just be a waste of your time? Talk to Kayvon, and you’ll never wonder about your next strategic move again. Kayvon shows you why you don’t need more ideas and tactics. Instead, you’ll see how to take the ideas you have, work them into a sound strategy, and get down to business. Saving you a lot of wasted time and money. And taking the “guess work” completely out of the equation."

Dave Will


"From the first time I met Kayvon it was obvious that there is something very unique about him. One is his ability to take complex issues and simplify them. And number two: his ability to help you completely think outside of the arena in which you are normally thinking. Kayvon and I were part of a group together and in our introductions, each person is going through pretty standard introduction, until Kayvon stepped up and totally changed the dynamic of the group. As a result of his simple introduction. And that just speaks volums of what Kayvon does when he meets with them one on one or in a group setting. Kayvon can have an awesome effect on you personally and in your business, whether you are part of a bigger machine or an entrepreneur much like I am. Kayvon has been a pleasure to know personally or work with professionally."

David Rael

Optimized Programmer

"The first thing that comes to mind regarding Kayvon is that he is an exceptional human being. Interacting with him is an exercise in Philosophy and he questions my assumptions in ways I typically don’t consider. By questioning assumptions, problems are laid bare in their simplest form without the complex frameworks I construct around my preconceived notions and learned behaviors and attitudes. By cutting through the clutter and identifying the problem in it’s truest and simplest form, solutions become viable and relevant. Kayvon frequently asks “Why not?” to my hesitation on executing on something beneficial, though often uncomfortable. When he speaks, the result is always something of substance, which is rare in a superficial world."

Shabnam Honarbakhsh

Art Conservator

“Coach Kayvon has been very effective in helping me verifying and simplifying my life challenges, which has had a positive improvement in my personal and professional relationships and found greater focus in my life. I am a more confident and fulfilled individual today as a result of Kayvon's coaching. With Kayvon's guidance, I have learned simple aspects of the growth mindset.”

Ken Maget

Small Business Owner

"As someone who is about to launch my first ever product on the Internet, I was feeling a bit overwhelmed. During my first call with Kayvon, he instantly had me thinking differently about the process and simplified many of the issues I was grappling with. I instantly had a clearer path to enhance my product and implement it into the marketplace. Following our conversation, Kayvon followed up with a detailed email of some simple steps I could take action on immediately. These steps allowed me to figure out what to do next and served as a roadmap to get me where I needed to go. I am now only two weeks away from launching my product thanks to Kayvon simplifying the process for me. I would highly recommend Kayvon to anyone looking to cut through the confusion and clutter and have a direct plan for growth and progress. In addition to being a great thinker, Kayvon is a super nice guy who I enjoy doing business with."

Gerard Pietrykiewicz

Senior Project Manager

"Kayvon did an amazing job with this course. He combined theory and practical advice in an easy to understand and apply package. In addition, the added value of this course is a very personal approach Kayvon take to providing support. I enjoyed our one-on-one conversations and feedback sessions, which allowed me to apply what I have learned to the specific problems I needed help solving. I would highly recommend this course to anyone who what’s to bring their game to the next level."

Natasha Smyth

Vice President of OnPayroll.ca

"He is easy to relate to and seems everything we talked about he had something to share about it so then I can relate to."

Jonathan S.

Project Manager

"As a product junkie, I have a great appreciation for Kayvon's workshop. Kayvon is friendly, super helpful, and presents information in a way that makes it easily digestible, all while sharing his own tips, tricks, and personal experiences. The worksheets were great. I left the course with a much better understanding and much better tools to work with."

Tyson Wong


"Kayvon has an incredible methodology. Bring it on!"

Nicki Ershad

Compac Financial Group Inc.

"Working with Kayvon has been a tremendous help in focusing on what is important. He gives you the edge you need to take your life to the next level."

Anna Gradie

Confidence Coach

Kayvon’s Offer Design Workshop made a huge impact on my small business. 
As a coach focused on serving others, selling doesn’t come naturally to me. 
The actionable content, helpful worksheets, supportive coaching group accountability, and constructive feedback empowered me to create my own irresistible offer. 
I got value on day ONE by implementing the strategies recommended and the insights I gained about my business, my ideal client, and my offer. 
If you do the work during the workshop, you will have an offer you are proud to share with your target market, and you will close more deals.

Reza Jafari

Avrio Accounting Solutions

I was being bombarded with different ways of coming up with an offer and was stuck, but after one 30 min session with Dr. K that changed 180 degrees. 
By the end of the session, I knew exactly what to do and actually did most of it in the session with him on the drawing board! 

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